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DAC6 reporting is a significant requirement for transparency in cross-border tax arrangements within the European Union (EU). DAC6, formally known as Directive 2018/822, is an EU directive that mandates the reporting of certain cross-border tax arrangements that exhibit characteristics indicative of potential aggressive tax avoidance, referred to as “hallmarks.” The directive aims to enhance tax transparency and fairness, ensuring that tax authorities have timely access to information regarding potentially harmful tax practices
DAC6 applies to intermediaries—such as tax advisors, accountants, law firms, and banks. The directive applies to arrangements involving parties from multiple countries, with at least one being an EU member state.
DAC6 outlines various characteristics, or hallmarks, that may signal a possible risk of aggressive tax avoidance. If a cross-border arrangement exhibits one or more of these hallmarks, it must be reported. Certain hallmarks only become reportable for tax purposes if they result in a tax advantage or benefit.
Finmatek provides tailored solutions for the preparation and submission of DAC6 reports, ensuring that all reportable cross-border arrangements are documented accurately and submitted within the required deadlines.