CSDR Reporting

What is CSDR reporting?

According to the Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR), settlement internalisers shall report to the competent authorities of their place of establishment on a quarterly basis the aggregated volume and value of all securities transactions which settle outside securities settlement systems.

When did this reporting requirement come into force and who does this apply to?

The internalised settlement reporting requirements entered into force in March 2019, with the first report to be submitted for the quarter ending 30 June 2019.

The reporting requirement applies to settlement internalisers and applies for the settlement which has been internalised in its books only.

A Settlement Internaliser is such if:

  • It receives a settlement instruction from a client regarding settlement of a securities transaction which is not forwarded as whole to another entity along the holding chain;
  • A settlement instruction results or is supposed to result in a transfer of securities from one securities account to another in the books of the Settlement Internaliser, without any external parallel securities movement along the holding chain.

What is reportable?

The aggregated volume and value of all securities transactions that settle outside securities settlement systems.

Transactions subject to reporting include:

  • purchase or sale of securities (including primary market purchases or sales of securities);
  • collateral management operations (including triparty collateral management operations or auto-collateralizations operations.
  • securities lending or securities borrowing;
  • repurchase transactions;
  • transactions subject to netting;
  • transfers of securities between accounts of different funds;
  • transfers of securities between two securities accounts of the same client;
  • title transfer financial collateral arrangements;
  • security financial collateral arrangements
  • corporate actions on flows represented by transformations

How can Finmatek help you?

The company provides dedicated training and support to its key personnel on every aspect of the internalized settlement reporting and will guide you through the entire process of reporting. Clients will also benefit from a streamlined process where they simply need to complete a standard template, making the reporting process straightforward and user-friendly.